• Mass Assistants prepare the church and altar for the liturgy.
    Open to anyone who has been confirmed.
  • Sunday Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors in the gathering space as they arrive for Mass and hand out the Sunday bulletins. Also assist with the collection, carry the gifts to the altar.
    Families are encouraged to join this ministry.
  • Ushers welcome, seat and assist others so that their experience during Mass is as prayerful as possible.
    Open to anyone in high school or older.
  • Servers assist the priest and deacon before, during, and after Mass.
    Fifth grade or older serve at Sunday Masses. Adults serve on weekdays.
    Training is required and provided at the semi-annual server training sessions.
  • Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass.
    Must be in good standing with the Church and approved by the pastor.
    Diocesan and parish training programs are required, followed by commissioning by the Bishop.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
    Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass.
    Sign up in sacristy before Mass.
    Must be in good standing with the Church and approved by the pastor.
    Diocesan and parish training programs are required, followed by commissioning by the Bishop.
  • Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound
    Take Communion and visit with homebound parishioners on Sunday mornings or during the week.
    Must be commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion.
    For more information about this ministry, contact Deacon Tom Nolan  (e-mail or 859.525.1717)
  • Music Ministry offers a variety of ways to involve parishioners in music that enhances the worship experiences of our parish.
    (more info….)

Quarterly schedules are distributed to all active liturgical ministers (except Ministers of Communion and Music ministries).
If you have dates you are not available for the next period, please call the parish office before the next schedule is published.
If you are unable to serve on your assigned day, please find a substitute.
Signup for Holyday and Holiday Masses is in the sacristy one to two weeks prior to the day.

Liturgical Minister Schedule

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Contact:  859.384.1100