St Timothy -crossSt. Timothy Parish welcomes all who come here.  We invite you to become a member of our parish family and take part in our ministries, programs, events, and worship.  We strive to connect members to parish life and encourage all members to become involved in parish activities outside of Mass.

Welcome sessions are held several times each year on Sunday mornings.  We invite new parishioners and anyone who is interested in registering to join us for a brief overview of St. Timothy Parish’s structure, programs, and activities. It is an opportunity to meet and ask questions of the staff members and the welcome committee. Registration may be completed at this time. Information about stewardship of time, talent, and treasure  is also presented. Dates of the welcome sessions are announced in the parish bulletin and at Mass each month. If you cannot come at this time, please visit the parish office during our regular office hours (weekdays 8:00 – 4:00) or by appointment.
♦ Contact the parish office     859.384.1100

Please refer to the Parish Guidebook for an overview of our parish programs and ministries.

Listen to audio of the parish song composed by former Music Director Katie Barton:   Stir Into Flame

St. Timothy Registration Forms:

  • St. Timothy Parish Registration Form
    This form is fillable and tithing envelopes can be requested on this form.
    1.  Complete the form
    .  Download/Save the document to your computer and email to [email protected]
    3.  Or print document and take to the parish office

  • St. Timothy Parish Stewardship Form
    This form is for requesting automatic credit card or bank drafts for tithing.
    1.  Print form and complete
    2.  Submit to the parish office Mon-Fri 8 am – 4 pm
    3.  Or put form in an envelope and place in the collection basket at Mass