During the six diocesan collection months,  the designated diocesan collection receives the remaining balance of the 5% parish tithe funds after the $500 grants to St. Augustine Parish Center at City Heights and the parish chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are funded.  There is not a second collection at Mass. Donations may also be sent directly to the diocese.

  • Opportunities for Life – January tithe
    Opportunities for Life
    is the Catholic Church in Kentucky’s  ministry to abortion-vulnerable women and men. Volunteers offer hope and resources to callers who find the courage to seek help.
    Opportunities for Life website
  • International NeedsMarch tithe
    Help bring faith, hope, and the presence of our Church to millions throughout the world.

Catholic Relief Services
Church in Central & Eastern Europe
Church in Latin America
Holy Land Collection
Pontifical Mission Aid Society

  • Peter’s Pence Collection – June tithe
    This collection provides the Holy Father with the financial means to respond with emergency assistance to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease.
    Peter’s Pence website
  • Domestic Needs – August tithe
    Our gifts will provide grants to mission dioceses, support programs that help people change the conditions that keep them living in a state of poverty, keep doors open for struggling parishes, provide education for those who will become the future leaders in our Church and our nation, and keep the word of God in the media.

Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Black & Indian Mission Appeal
The Catholic University of America
Thomas More College
Catholic Communications Campaign
Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)

  • Seminarian Education Fund – October tithe
    The seminarians for our diocese are preparing, through prayer, education and service to others, to become the future priests of our Diocese.  Estimated Diocesan cost for providing tuition, books, room and board, health insurance, living allowances and retreats for the coming year will average $40,000 for each seminarian.
    Diocese of Covington Stewardship Office
  • Retirement Fund for Religious – December tithe
    This national collection is held to assist religious communities with retirement and health care expenses. More than 75% stays within the diocese to support four women religious orders:  Sisters of St.Walburg, Sisters of Divine Providence, Sisters of Notre Dame, and the Passionists.  For information on the diocesan funds, call 859.392.1540The remaining funds are sent by the diocese to the National Religious Retirement Office for grants to religious institutes for the retirement needs of senior religious priests, brothers, and sisters. The fund also helps religious institutes plan and manage their retirement needs and programs.
    Retirement Fund for Religious website