Offertory Giving

Each parishioner should carefully consider the gifts that God has given them and contribute part of them to help with the work of the parish.  Contributions may be made by the offertory envelopes, automatic bank drafts, or credit card payments.
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Diocesan Collections

The parish will contribute to six  diocesan collection through our monthly tithing; there will be no second collections.  For special circumstances, such as disaster relief or the diocesan mission cooperative program, a second collection may take place.
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Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal

The DPAA is our annual opportunity to support the work of the Church throughout the fourteen counties of our Diocese.  The annual campaign raises funds for spiritual, educational, and charitable outreach ministries. In addition, individual parish programs and projects are annually funded through the DPAA rebate program. The campaign begins in April. Gifts may be pledged over a ten-month period or one-time donation. Each registered parishioners will receive a direct mailing and are asked to send in the envelope to the diocese or drop it in the collection basket. The campaign is administered by the Diocesan Stewardship office with support from a parish team.
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 Parish Finances

The parish business office is responsible for bookkeeping, reporting, and budgeting for expenses and income.
The St.Timothy Finance Council maintains vigilance of all parish finances and advises the Pastoral Council on all major expenditures.
♦ Contact the Parish Business Office     (859.384.1100 ext 1115)